Ten chapter members and guests gathered for a Mexican lunch in southwest Austin on Sunday, Feb. 18, and welcomed back Monte Cely, freshly returned from the Caribbean Series. In return, Monte unleashed a Baseball Latinamericano trivia quiz on us.
Two-time Predictatron champion Raeanne Martinez won her first quiz at a monthly meeting, besting the field with 22 out of 28 points and securing a lucha libre mask as the grand prize from Monte (see photo above). Ira Siegel, like the rest of us, struggled on the quiz, but he did receive the last-place-finisher prize of a two peso note.
As all MLB teams are on the verge of full camp workouts, our discussions related much more to the coming season and less on 2017. The group discussed the most recent free agent signing — Eric Hosmer joining the San Diego Padres for an eight-year, $144 million deal. In some ways, the 11th hour signing suggests the overarching discussion happening in baseball – how to value a player’s worth in a long-term contract? It seems that the days of rewarding a player for past performance are over with as teams appear to prefer shorter term contracts that they think more accurately value a player’s worth in the next few seasons.
Monte also talked about attending the Caribbean Series and watching the team from Puerto Rico win it all. You can read more about Monte’s dispatches about Serie del Caribe 2018 by clicking on this link: http://www.sabrhornsby.org/2017/08/serie-del-caribe-2018/
This was the 135th consecutive month in which the chapter has had a monthly meeting, a streak that dates back to December 2006.
We’ve set the next chapter meeting for 12:45 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at County Line on the Lake on FM 2222 in North Austin. A request for RSVPs will be forthcoming in the mid March.
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