It’s a mild Hurricane (Grill & Wings) for our March 16 meeting

One of the more interesting developments around Spring Training so far has been MLB measuring player heights to the millimeter to help calibrate the ABS strike zone experiment. More than one player listed at 6′ 0″ is suddenly just a bit shorter, according to the league.

We won’t be measuring anyone’s height, I promise, but topics like ABS are sure to come up in discussions at this month’s lunch with SABR Hornsby friends on Sunday, March 16, 1 pm, at Hurricane Grill & Wings (2701 Parker Dr., Suite D-200, Round Rock). 

As always, we’re requesting RSVPs to ensure seating for everyone at the restaurant. Our mobile-friendly Google Form works great to RSVP – just let us know you’re coming, how many people are in your group, your name(s), and if you’re a first-timer to a Hornsby meeting, and hit submit when you’re done.

Please have your RSVP in by Thursday, March 13. Hope you can join us!

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