It was a full house at our BasebALZ outing to Round Rock’s Dell Diamond on Monday, April 23. Participants, caregivers, and volunteers enjoyed an 11-4 Round Rock Express victory over the visiting Colorado Springs Sky Sox.
We enjoyed the game in comfort, complete with food and drinks. A big THANK YOU to United Heritage Credit Union and Alzheimer’s Texas for working together to host us in UHCU’s luxury suite at Dell Diamond.
Season Eight of BasebALZ, our baseball-themed Alzheimer’s reminiscence program, ran for six sessions from February through April, 2018. We were hosted at the Austin, Texas office of our sponsor – Alzheimer’s Texas.
Just a few highlights included:
Baseball Bingo – Mike created this version of bingo and it was an immediate hit with everyone. We had a Baseball Bingo session twice during Season Eight, as well as at one of the sessions at the Kerrville VA Hospital.
Stump the Experts – Bobby and Renee continued their feature effort to try to stump the SABR “experts” with clues about the life of a ballplayer. Bobby threw three “shutouts” this season, successfully stumping the “experts” at three of the six sessions.

All-Time Latino All-Stars – we continued a periodic feature where we vote for various “all time” teams. Ira led the discussion on selecting the all time line-up of Latin American players.

Singing – always a big part of every program, we devoted a full session to “Songs about Baseball”. Above – Dodgers fans Jerry (l) and Dan (r) get ready for a rendition of “It’s a Beautiful Day for a Ball Game” and – below – we all join in for “The Eyes of Texas are Upon You”.
In addition to our now-three-year-old program at Alzheimer’s Texas here in Austin, we continue with our monthly program (every second Friday) at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Kerrville, Texas. Our program at the VA continues to be well-received by the patients as well as administrators.
We will take a short break and then Season Nine of BasebALZ will commence on Monday, May 21, 2018. We will have a change of venue, with Season Nine being hosted by Westminster Senior Living – 4100 Jackson Ave., Austin, TX 78731.
For more background on the BasebALZ program, see our informational page here.
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