Recap of February Meeting

Seventeen (17) members, guests, and family converged on Bill and Evelyn Gilbert’s house in Lakeway for the February 2014 meeting of the Rogers Hornsby chapter.

With spring training underway, the baseball discussions were far-ranging.  Topics included:  recent free agent and international signings, the advent of more instant replay and the no-collisions-at-home effort, status of the Astros and Rangers squads, Monte Cely’s recent trip to Venezuela for the 56th Caribbean Series, and Jan Larson’s upcoming trip to Australia for the MLB "opening day" in Sydney.

Dan Walsh won the quiz, on Venezuelan baseball, the prize being a Venezuelan national team ballcap and a "lucky" two bolivares banknote (worth three cents on the black market).  See how you do on the quiz, it’s here

A big "thank you" to the Gilberts for hosting this event and for all the wonderful food and drink. 

Our next chapter meeting will be Thursday March 20, 6pm, back at Iron Works in downtown Austin.  More details will be forthcoming.


Latin American Baseball – with a Venezuelan flavor


Beisbol Latinoamericano — 2014 (con un sabor venezolano)

(presented Feb. 22, 2014)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)
1. This year’s Serie del Caribe was held in Estadio Nueva Esparta on what Venezuelan island?

Isla Margarita


Match the participating five countries’ playoff winners to their home cities:

Team Names:  Naranjeros;   Navegantes de Magallanes;   Naranjas (or Leopardos);   Indios;   Tigres de Licey

Home cities:  Santo Domingo, DR;   Mayaguez, PR;   Villa Clara, Cuba;   Hermosillo, Mex;   Valencia, Ven.


Naranjeros de Hermosillo

Navegantes de Valencia  

Naranjas de Villa Clara

Indios de Mayaguez    

Licey de Santo Domingo


The Venezuelan Winter League consists of eight teams.  Match the team nicknames with their host cities/states:

Team Names:  Aguilas, Navegantes, Leones, Tiburones, Cardenales, Caribes, Bravos, Tigres

Host cities or states:  Caracas, La Guaira, Porlamar, Anzoategui, Zulia, Lara, Aragua, Valencia

Aguilas de Zulia

Navegantes de Valencia 

Leones de Caracas

Tiburones de La Guaira

Cardenales de Lara

Caribes de Anzoategui

Bravos de Porlamar

Tigres de Aragua


Beginning with Alfonso "Chico" Carrasquel in the ’50s, many top-notch shortstops have come to MLB from Venezuela.  Identify the four Venezuelans from this list of MLB shortstops:

Elvis Andrus, Julio Lugo, Johnny Peralta, Omar Vizquel, Ozzie Guillen, Luis Aparicio, Jose Reyes, Edgar Renteria

The four Venezuelans are:  Andrus, Vizquel, Guillen, and Aparicio


Venezuelan MLB leaders — name the:

a.  Two Venezuelan-born pitchers that have won Cy Young Awards

b.  Four Venezuelan-born players that have won batting titles

c.  Only Venezuelan-born player to win a league MVP

a.  Felix Hernandez and Johan Santana(2)

b.  Miguel Cabrera (3), Carlos Gonzalez, Magglio Ordonez, and Andres Gallaraga

c.  Miguel Cabrera (2)

6. Name the only Venezuelan-born player currently in the U.S. Baseball Hall of Fame Luis Aparicio
7. Tiebreaker (if needed) — of the 56 Caribbean Series played thus far, how many times has the Venezuelan team won? Seven



SABR Day Lunch Meeting

Ten members and guests gathered for Saturday lunch at the Macaroni Grill in the Arboretum in Austin to discuss baseball and to celebrate SABR Day.  Topics discussed included the recent signing of Japanese pitcher Masahiro Tanaka by the Yankees, the signing of free agent Robinson Cano by the Mariners, Monte Cely’s upcoming trip to Venezuela for the Caribbean Series and miscellaneous other off-season baseball topics.  The date and location of the February monthly meeting has not yet been determined.  More information will be forthcoming in the near future.

Eddie Robinson and Matt Kata highlight winter meeting

 robinson and rogers winter meeting 2014

(Pictured above: Eddie Robinson, right, and C. Paul Rogers III. This and all photos on this page by Ryan Pollack)




Two former Major League Baseball players with a combined nine decades of professional baseball experience were the headliners for another great day of baseball talk at the 8th Annual Winter Meeting of the Rogers Hornsby Chapter on Jan. 11, 2014.


In addition, 55 members and guests — our largest winter meeting attendance ever — got a preview of the upcoming national SABR conference in Houston from Bob Dorrill, chair of the Larry Dierker Chapter, which is hosting the conference July 30 to Aug. 3.


Eddie Robinson recounted his time in baseball, including as a member of the 1948 World Series Champion Cleveland Indians, and later as a scout and general manager. He was also in the Houston Colt .45s front office as head of player development when the team signed future Hall of Famer Joe Morgan. Robinson signed copies of his book, “Lucky Me: My Sixty-Five Years in Baseball,” and was joined by co-author C. Paul Rogers III, professor of law and former dean of Southern Methodist University School of Law. Rogers is also the chair of SABR’s Hall-Ruggles Chapter in Dallas-Fort Worth.


Robinson shared many interesting stories about his baseball experiences, including the time relatively early in his career when Rogers Hornsby advised him on hitting. Pondering whether he should try to guess what pitchers were about to throw, Hornsby told him no — that he should hit what he sees.That, coupled with other advice about working the count, helped him improve as a hitter, he said.


Former MLB player Matt Kata (pictured on right) also shared stories about his time playing for Vanderbilt and later as one of the “Baby Backs,” the infusion of young players on the 2003 Arizona Diamondbacks, which made a run for the playoffs when the team suffered a number of injuries. He also talked about the pressure of playing second base in Randy Johnson’s perfect game against the Atlanta Braves in 2004.


Kata spent 14 years in professional baseball, including time with the Phillies, Pirates, Astros and Rangers in addition to the Diamondbacks and with the Triple-A Round Rock Express. Today, he is the manager for baseball outreach for the Express, helping with the team’s community outreach and working with Ryan-Sanders Sports Turf Services, which recently replaced the turf at Texas State’s baseball field.

Mike Capps, director of broadcasting and the voice of the Round Rock Express (pictured below), returned to give us a preview of the 2014 Express and Texas Rangers. He expressed hope that the Rangers would pursue Japanese pitcher Masahiro Tanaka. And he warmed the hearts of Astros fans in the audience when he said he thought the Astros would avoid another 100-loss season.

hornsby-wintermeeting-2014-34 capps 

 Jan Larson (pictured below on left) recounted details of his trip to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown last summer. In the afternoon, Chuck Kaufman (pictured below on right) discussed his recent trip to Cuba, which included watching Cuban baseball games. Jim Baker opened the meeting by sharing details of his first Major League Baseball game and asked members of the audience to share theirs.

 hornsby-wintermeeting-2014-22 larson hornsby-wintermeeting-2014-35 kaufman

We missed having Norman Macht with us at this winter meeting. Macht is the author of the definitive biography of Connie Mack; the third and final volume is set for publication soon. For a number of years, he has opened our meetings with creative trivia questions. Having recently relocated to California, Norman sent these icebreakers: 1.Take a Hall of Fame pitcher, add an “S” to his name and get a Hall of Fame outfielder who was born in Shiner, died at 30 and is buried in San Antonio; and 2) Take a Hall of Fame outfielder, remove the “S” from his name and get a first baseman who batted .389 with two home runs for the Cincinnati Reds in the 1970 World Series (Scroll to the bottom to check your answers).


Also, special thanks to all of our presenters. Monte Cely, who helps run the Hornsby Chapter, deserves special thanks and recognition for assembling the meeting agenda and lining up another great panel of presenters.

 Much thanks for these fantastic photos by Ryan Pollack, who volunteered his time to photograph the meeting. Here’s his website:

Below are more photos from a great day of baseball talk.













(Answers to Norman Macht’s icebreakers: 1. Cy Young/Ross Youngs; 2.Willie Mays/Lee May)



Serie del Caribe 2014 – Isla Margarita, Venezuela

SdelC 2014 logo200px-Nva_sparta_guatamare


The 2014 Caribbean Series is being hosted by Venezuela and will be held at Estadio Nueva Esparta in Porlamar, Isla Margarita.  This stadium is the home field of los Bravos de Margarita, one of eight teams in the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League.

More changes are in store for the “Caribbean World Series” in 2014.  The biggest news is that Cuba is returning to la Serie del Caribe after an absence of over fifty years.  In an interview with ESPN Dominicana on June 11, the president of the Caribbean Confederation announced that Cuba would participate in the 2014 Series.  However, subsequent to this announcement, MLB expressed concern that the U.S. State Department had not yet granted the appropriate license for Cuba to participate.  The issue of Cuban re-entry was also interwoven with the need for the winter leagues to renew their agreement with Organized Baseball prior to the start of the 2013-14 winter season.  In the event, all has been resolved and the current champion of the Cuban Serie Nacional, Villa Clara, is set to represent Cuba as La Serie del Caribe opens on February 1.

With five teams set to participate (the winter champions from Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominicana and Cuba), the format of competition for the 2014 Serie is also changing.  The tournament will open with a single round-robin phase, from which the bottom team will be eliminated and the remaining four will enter a “knock-out” phase consisting of a semi-finals round and then the final.  The schedule and rosters can be found here

con dr franciso javier gonzalez med club naranj_KK JassoFamily Moctezuma

   Monte, Juan Antonio, and Dr. Francisco Javier Gonzalez                      Juan’s family with fanaticos 

**** As of January 29, the field was set for Serie del Caribe 2014; the playoff champions are ****

Puerto Rico – Indios de Mayaguez

Cuba – Naranjos de Villa Clara

Dominican Republic – Tigres del Licey

Venezuela – Navegantes de Magallanes

Mexico – Naranjeros de Hermosillo

Summary and Retrospective of Serie del Caribe 2014

Mexico won its second straight Serie del Caribe, and its third championship in the past four years.  The combination of strong pitching, good defense, and timely hitting propelled the Mexicans to the title.  The Mexico representative, Naranjeros de Hermosillo, had a historic season – winning both halves of the Mexican Pacific league season, the playoffs, and la Serie.  The fact that many of my traveling companions, including my good friend Juan Antonio Jasso R., are from Hermosillo added to the enjoyment of the games.

opening ceremonydiablo y angel

Opening ceremonies                            The author with Mexican fanaticos

The return of a Cuban squad also added to the excitement of Serie del Caribe 2014.  Although the Cubans were overmatched on the field of play, their presence brought out a lot of additional scouts, as well as demonstrators from the Venezuelan opposition protesting the Cubans’ presence.  The Cuban players were very athletic, and their infielders put on a great show throwing the ball around the infield at the start of each inning.

The Puerto Rican team was the surprise of la Serie.  As they did in the most recent World Baseball Classic, the Puerto Ricans displayed “just enough” pitching and offense to win several close games and make it to the final game.  Before each game a group of about a dozen Puerto Rican players would gather in a circle in front of their dugout and play hot-box, passing the ball around with their gloved hands until someone dropped it … a nostalgic warm-up drill.

The stadium in Porlamar is a good one for watching a ballgame.  Sightlines are good and the stands are close to the field.  Seating at capacity is about 15,700, which was the announced attendance at the semi-final game featuring the host Venezuelan club.  Food and drink at the stadium were delicious and cheap — most drinks, including beer, were about one dollar or less!

Isla Margarita is a scenic locale, featuring tropical beaches, mountains, and desert, depending on your location within the island.  Our hotel was on one of many Caribbean beaches on the east side of the island.

If you’re a fan of beisbol latinomericano, I would strongly recommend a trip to la Serie del Caribe to fully experience the excitement and passion of the game “south of the border”.  You’ll enjoy it!  Serie del Caribe 2015 will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, making it especially accessible to fans from the U.S.

Hasta la vista, Monte


*** following is a day-by-day description of the action for Serie del Caribe 2014 ***

Saturday February 1

After an over-night flight from Mexico City to Caracas, and then on to Porlamar, I´ve checked into my hotel and am on the way to the ball park for the opening games.  There was a lot of security at our hotel and we were wondering why.  We´ve since been informed that the Cuban team is staying here!  Tonight´s games are Puerto Rico vs. Dominicana in the opener and Mexico vs. Cuba in the nightcap.

Quick results:  Puerto Rico 7 – Dominicana 6 (10 inn)        Mexico 9 – Cuba 4

The stadium was very loud and the fans excited for the opening game, seeing Puerto Rico upset the Dominicans in 10 innings.

There was a long between-games extravaganza featuring a visit by Venezuelan president Maduro.  By the reaction of the fans, you would have thought he`d blown a save.

The second game featured the return of the Cuban champions to la Serie del Caribe after an absence of over a half-century.  The Mexican club spoiled the Cuban debut by jumping on Cuban pitching and fielding mistakes early and often and the Mexicans never trailed.  Cuban star Alfredo Despaigne hit a long home run early, but Mexican pitcher Alfredo Aceves mostly kept the Cuban offense in check.  Refruerzo Chris Roberson hit a three-run homer in a 5-run fifth for Mexico to put the game out of reach.

The Cuban club put on a real show throwing the ball around the infield before the inning began and after outs.  They were extremely athletic.

Sunday February 2

Quick results:  Mexico 6 – Puerto Rico 3           Venezuela 8 – Cuba 5

Mexico rode good pitching, good defense and two homeruns by Zealous Wheeler to the win over Puerto Rico.  Mexican starter Delgadillo had a strong outing holding the Puerto Ricans scoreless.  PR scored three in the bottom of the ninth agains the Mexican bullpen, but it was too little, too late.

Venezuela had plenty of offense, including a home run by Endy Chavez, and outpaced Cuba in the nightcap.  So far, the Cuban pitching, especially the bullpen, does not appear to be as strong as the other clubs here.

The Cubans had additional challenges off the field, as there were protests against their presence both at the hotel and outside the ball park.  The local news media blamed “the fascist opposition” for the problems.

I had a great snack at the ballpark — tostones — fried, salted plantanos (akin to a banana) … muy delicioso … especially with the local cerveza – Polar.

Monday February 3

Quick results:  Dominicana 9 – Cuba 2            Venezuela 6 – Mexico 3

The Dominicans scored early and often to send Cuba to their third defeat.  An eighth inning homer by Julio Lugo put the game out of reach.  The Cubans again made some key errors and lacked pitching depth.  Cuba only scored the two runs in the bottom of the ninth.

The nightcap was a near-sellout as the host Venezuela team met the as-yet-undefeated Mexicans.  Estadio Nueva Esparta was loud and rocking.  Venezuela knocked Mexican starter Nathan Reed for four runs and he did not finish the second inning.  Carlos Zambrano started for Venezuela and pitched three strong innings before walking three in the fourth, yielding two runs for Mexico.  Both bullpens were effective until a late two-run homer gave Venezuela a three-run lead.  Mexico threatened with two outs in the ninth, but could not score.

With three days of the round-robin phase completed, the standings are:

Venezuela       2-0

Mexico              2-1

Dominicana    1-1

Puerto Rico     1-1

Cuba                0-3

Tuesday February 4

Quick results:  Cuba 2 – Puerto Rico 1       Venezuela 2 – Dominicana 1

Runs were at a premium during games on Tuesday.  The Cuban team broke into the win column behind improved defense and pitching.  There was an extended rain delay during the fourth inning of the nightcap, but the host team remained undefeated through four days of the round-robin phase.

Due to the rain and uncertainty of the game resuming, we caught the rest of the ballgame on TV back at the hotel.  The Venezuelan broadcaster was very entertaining, singing during the game and, when an exciting play occured, shouting  “Ay, Yi, Yi, Maracay!”

Wednesday February 5

Quick results:  Dominicana 7 – Mexico 6         Puerto Rico 5 – Venezuela 4

Two high-scoring exciting games today.  Mexico fell behind early and mounted a late rally, but fell short as Carlos Marmol closed out the game for Dominicana.  Puerto Rico led the entire game and upset the host club.

Wenesday´s games complete the round-robin phase of the tournament with the standings as:

Venezuela   3-1

Dominicana  2-2

Mexico       2-2

Puerto Rico  2-2

Cuba      1-3

Cuba is therefore eliminated and the semifinals are:

Thursday – Mexico vs. Dominicana       Friday – Venezuela vs. Puerto Rico

Thursday February 6

First Semifinal —  Mexico 3 – Dominicana 2

In a well-pitched game, Mexico tied the score in the eighth and won the game in the bottom of the ninth on a faked sacrifice by catcher Sebastian Valle.  With runners on first and second, Mexico´s catcher faked a sacrifice bunt and then pushed a high bouncer through the pulled-in infield to drive in the winning run.

Mexico now waits for the results of tonight’s game pitting the host Venezuelans against Puerto Rico.

Friday February 7

Second Semifinal — Puerto Rico 2 – Venezuela 0

Puerto Rico got a great start from Giancarlo Alvarado and with solid defense upset the host team.  Eddie Rosario hit a bloop single just past SS to drive in two runs in the eighth to decide the game.  This gave the Puerto Ricans their second win in as many games against the powerful Venezuela squad.

This sets up the FINAL as Mexico vs. Puerto Rico on Saturday night.

Saturday February 8


Juan Delgadillo pitched seven scoreless innings to put Mexico in position to take the deciding game.  The final contest was decided in the sixth, when CF Chris Roberson hit a solo shot, followed later in the inning by an RBI single by Daryle Ward and then a grand slam by C Sebastian Valle — putting the score at 6-0.  The final score was:  Mexico 7 – Puerto Rico 1.

Delgadillo picked up the win and Joel Pinero was the losing pitcher.

Roberson was named the Serie MVP.

This marks the second consecutive Serie title for Mexico, and they have won three of the last four.


The following is a summary of the 2013-14 winter league seasons and the in-country playoffs:


The Winter regular season wrapped up December 22 in Dominicana and December 30 in Mexico, Venezuela and Puerto Rico.  The Cuban season, Serie Nacional #53, continues until Spring, 2014.  Following is a brief overview of the results:

Mexico:  The eight clubs of la Liga Mexicana del Pacifico (LMP) play a split-season format and los Naranjeros de Hermosillo won both halves of the winter schedule.  LMP clubs earn points determined by their position in the standings at the end of each half of the season, and then the six clubs with the highest number of points advance to the playoffs.  Joining los Naranjeros in the playoffs are:  Algodoneros de Guasave, Tomateros de Culican, Aguilas de Mexicali,  Caneros de Los Mochis, and Mayos de Navajoa.  Three time LMP champs and defending Serie del Caribe kingpins Yaquis de Cd. de Obregon, along with los Venados de Mazatlan, failed to make the playoffs.

Dominican Republic:  Four of the six clubs in the Dominican winter league qualify for the playoffs.  Los Leones del Escogido (Santo Domingo) and Aguilas Cibaenas (Santiago) were tied with 31-19 records at the end of regular season play, with Escogido declared the winner due to tie-breaker rules.  Joining Escogido and Aguilas in the playoffs are Licey (Santo Domingo) and los Gigantes (San Francisco de Macoris).  The two “eastern” teams, Estrellas (San Pedro) and Toros (La Romana) did not qualify for post-season play.

Venezuela:  Five of the eight teams in the Venezuelan winter league are eligible to advance to the post-season.  Caribes de Oriente (Anzoategui) won the regular season by a five-game margin.  Joining Caribes in the playoffs are Aguilas de Zulia, Leones de Caracas, Navegantes del Magallanes, and Tiburones de la Guaira.  Failing to make the playoffs were Tigres de Aragua, Cardenales de Lara, and Bravos de Margarita.

Puerto Rico:  La Liga de Beisbol Profesional Roberto Clemente fielded only five teams for 2013-14, with the Manati franchise not returning this season.  The competition in Puerto Rico was very close, with only three games separating the top and bottom clubs.  Caguas, Mayaguez and Ponce all tied atop the standings with identical 21-19 records.  Caguas was declared the winner.  Carolina, in fourth place, filled out the four-team post-season playoffs.  The Santurce club, playing at Estadio Hiram Bithorn in San Juan, failed to make the playoffs.

Cuba:   Sixteen teams play in the top-level Serie Nacional, whose season (including playoffs) will run from November until April.  The winner of SN52, the 2012-13 season in Cuba, was Villa Clara and they will represent Cuba in la Serie del Caribe 2014.


PLAYOFF RESULTS (final results)

Mexico:  The first round of the LMP playoffs wrapped up on January 8.  Mexicali swept Culican 4 games to 0.  Hermosillo eliminated Guasave 4-2.  Navojoa defeated Los Mochis 4-2, but Los Mochis also advances to the semi-finals as the “wild card” among the losing teams.  The LMP semi-finals shape up as:

Hermosillo vs. Los Mochis  and   Mexicali vs. Navojoa.  Semi-final play began Saturday 11 January.

Navojoa made short work of Mexicali in a mild upset in their semi-final series, 4 games to 1, and los Mayos advance to the LMP finals.

Hermosillo advanced to the finals by winning the seventh and deciding game, 4-2, over Los Mochis.

The LMP Finals (best of seven) open Tuesday, 21 January with Hermosillo hosting Navojoa at Estadio Sonora:

Game 1 (Tuesday 21 January):  Hermosillo 4 – Navojoa 0

Game 2 (Wednesday 22 January):  Navojoa 7 – Hermosillo 4

Game 3 (Friday 24 January):  Hermosillo 6 – Navojoa 5

Game 4 (Saturday 25 January):  Navojoa 7 – Hermosillo 3

Game 5 (Sunday 26 January):  Hermosillo 6 – Navojoa 4

Game 6 (Tuesday 28 January):  Navojoa 5 – Hermosillo 3

Game 7 (Wednesday 29 January):  Hermosillo 8 – Navojoa 3

Naranjeros de Hermosillo win the series 4-3 and will represent Mexico at Serie del Caribe 2014.

You can follow the LMP playoffs and your favorite teams (in Spanish) at:


Dominican Republic:  Escogido placed first in the 18-game round-robin phase of the playoffs and advance to the finals.  Gigantes and Licey finished tied for second with 9-9 records.  In a one-game playoff on Saturday 18 January, Licey defeated Gigantes at Estadio Julian Javier in San Francisco de Macoris 9-8 and advance to the finals.

The best-of-nine final series in Dominicana will be played entirely at Estadio Quisqueya in Santo Domingo, which is the home field for both los Leones del Escogido and los Tigres de Licey.  A festive atmosphere will prevail in the capital as the traditional rivals meet to decide which club will represent the Dominican Republic at la Serie del Caribe.  When I was in Santo Domingo in 2012, I asked a taxi driver if he was a Licey or an Escogido fan.  He told me, “My wife cheers for Licey, but my daughters are fanaticas of Escogido.  I just watch the games and keep my mouth shut.”

Game 1 (Monday 20 January):  Licey 2 – Escogido 1

Game 2 (Tuesday 21 January):  Licey 5 – Escogido 1

Game 3 (Wednesday 22 January):  Licey 1 – Escogido 0

Game 4 (Thursday 23 January): Escogido 6 – Licey 5

Game 5 (Friday 24 January):  Escogido 8 – Licey 0

Game 6 (Sunday 26 January):  Escogido 9 – Licey 6

Game 7 (Monday 27 January):  Licey 3 – Escogido 1

Game 8 (Tuesday 28 January):  Licey 3 – Escogido 2

Tigres del Licey win best-of-nine series tied 5-3 and will represent the Dominican Republic in la Serie del Caribe 2014.

You can follow the action (in Spanish) at:


Venezuela:  Magallanes won the round-robin phase of the playoffs and Caribes came in second.  They will square off in the Venezuelan final series.  Caracas was eliminated on the last day of round-robin play.  The final round-robin standings are:

Magallanes  11-5

Caribes        10-6

Caracas         9-7

Zulia               5-11

La Guaira      5-11

The Magallanes-Caribes final series begins play on Thursday, 23 January in Valencia.

Game 1 (Thursday 23 January): Magallanes 5 – Caribes 4

Game 2 (Friday 24 January):  Magallanes 6 – Caribes 5

Game 3 (Saturday 25 January):  Magallanes 11 – Caribes 2

Game 4 (Sunday 26 January):  Caribes 5 – Magallanes 3 (10 innings)

Game 5 (Tuesday 28 January):  Magallanes 11 – Caribes 6

Navegantes del Magallanes win the series 4-1 and will represent Venezuela in la Serie del Caribe 2014.

More details (in Spanish) are at:


Puerto Rico:  The final standings of the round-robin phase of the playoffs are:

Mayaguez 8-4

Caguas  7-5

Ponce   6-6

Carolina  3-9

Mayaguez and Caguas advance to the best-of-seven final series.  One of these two clubs has represented Puerto Rico for the last three years in la Serie del Caribe, and it looks like their command of la Liga Roberto Clemente will continue.

Game 1 (Sunday 19 January):  Caguas 5 – Mayaguez 1

Game 2 (Tuesday 21 January):  Mayaguez 6 – Caguas 4

Game 3 (Wednesday 22 January):  Caguas 5 – Mayaguez 4 (11 innings)

Game 4 (Friday 24 January):  Mayaguez 7 – Caguas 4

Game 5 (Saturday 25 January):  Mayaguez 2 – Caguas 1

Game 6 (Sunday 26 January): Mayaguez 5 – Caguas 1

Indios de Mayaguez win the series 4-2 and will represent Puerto Rico in la Serie del Caribe 2014

The latest results (in Spanish) are at:


Cuba:  The current action in Serie Nacional numero 53 (Spanish and English) is at:

The champions of last season’s SN#52, los Leopardos de Villa Clara (also known as los Naranjas), will represent Cuba at Serie del Caribe 2014.


A quick, English-language summary of winter league action, box scores and schedules can be found at:








Larson receives major award at December meeting

Nine chapter members gathered on Tuesday, Dec. 17, to review the baseball season, discuss the hot stove deals and anticipate next month’s winter meeting.

Topics of discussion included Jan Larson’s successful prognostication of the chapter’s MLB Cy Young Awards, organized by Monte Cely, who presented Jan (pictured above) with a major award (baseball-shaped ceramic container filled with baseball-wrapped chocolates) and a certificate.

Much thanks to Monte’s wife, Linda, who sent a plate of delicious baked goods to help celebrate the holiday season.

Jan Larson brought along his trivia quiz, “You Rank ‘em,” asking participants to rank the league leaders in various batting and pitching categories. Dan Walsh and Eric Robinson tied with 20 total points, with Dan winning on the tie-breaker. For his win, Dan received the highly sought (and highly traveled) Stephen King novel, “Blockade Billy,” which features a catcher blocking home plate in front of a sliding runner (it was pointed out by a few of us that this is a move soon to be made obsolete with MLB’s announcement to ban collisions at home plate).

“Blockade Billy” was won by Jan at a previous chapter meeting and received from Jim Baker. Dan explained that Jim’s recent trivia quiz won him “Blockade Billy” from Dan himself! Dan graciously gave up his award and presented it to Eric Robinson, who gratefully accepted.

A flow chart would look something like this:

BB (Dan) –> BB (Jim) –> BB (Jan) –> BB (Dan) –> BB (Eric)

To try your hand at Jan’s trivia quiz, click here, or go to the “Contests” tab above.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014 – the date of the Eighth Annual Winter Meeting of the Rogers Hornsby Chapter of SABR. It is our chapter’s biggest meeting of the year, and you wouldn’t want to miss it! More details to come.

You Rank ‘Em

You Rank ‘Em

(presented Dec. 17, 2013)

Players for each question are listed alphabetically.  Rank them, 1-5, according to their respective finish in each category during the 2013 major league season.  Two points for correct leader and one point for each player placed in the correct position, 2-5.  (54 pts. max)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)
1. BA.  Robinson Cano, Paul Goldschmidt, Joe Mauer, Andrew McCutcheon, Yadier Molina.
Mauer .324, Molina .319, McCutcheon .317, Cano .315, Goldschmidt .302
2. HR.  Domonic Brown, Paul Goldschmidt, Adam Jones, David Ortiz, Alfonso Soriano.
Goldschmidt 36, Soriano 34, Jones 32, Ortiz 30, Brown 27
3. 3B.  Erick Aybar, Michael Bourne, Paul Goldschmidt, Jean Segura, Mike Trout.
Segura 10, Trout 9, Bourn 6, Aybar 5, Goldschmidt 3
4. 2B.  Jay Bruce, Paul Goldschmidt, Manny Machado, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Mike Trout.
Machado 51, Bruce 43, Saltalamacchia 40, Trout 39, Goldschmidt 36
5. SB.  Jose Altuve, Elvis Andrus, Leonys Martin, Jean Segura, Mike Trout.
Segura 44, Andrus 42, Martin 36, Altuve 35, Trout 33
6. WAR (  Chris Davis, Josh Donaldson, Paul Goldschmidt, Andrew McCutcheon, Andrelton Simmons. McCutcheon 8.2, Donaldson 8.0, Goldschmidt 7.0, Simmons 6.7, Davis 6.4
7. IP.  Yu Darvish, Felix Hernandez, Max Scherzer, James Shields, Justin Verlander.
Shields 228.2, Verlander 218.1, Scherzer 214.1, Darvish 209.2, Hernandez 204.1
8. K.  Homer Bailey, R. A. Dickey, Cliff Lee, Tim Lincecum, Stephen Strasburg.
Lee 222, Bailey 199, Lincecum 193, Strasburg 191, Dickey 177
9. ERA.  Yu Darvish, Zack Grienke, Hiroki Kuroda, Chris Sale, James Shields.
Grienke 2.63, Darvish 2.83, Sale 3.07, Shields 3.15, Kuroda 3.31
Tie Breaker. Career HR:  Adrian Beltre, Miguel Cabrera, Paul Konerko, David Ortiz, Alfonso Soriano
Konerko 434, Ortiz 431, Soriano 406, Beltre 376, Cabrera 365