Cooperstown Confidential

Cooperstown Confidential

Heroes, Rogues, and the Inside Story of the Baseball Hall of Fame
By Zev Chafets
A Baseball Book Review                                                
                                                                                                            Monte Cely
                                                                                                            (512) 310-9777
            Cooperstown Confidential is a critical expose’ of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The book was mentioned recently in sportswriter Kirk Bohls’ column in the Austin American-Statesman. The main thrust of the book is to highlight the hypocrisy and politics surrounding the Hall of Fame selection process. A lot of the book examines the “character clause”, otherwise known as Rule 5 of the BBWAA Rules for Election, which states “Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played”. 
The author’s premise seems to be that the Baseball Hall of Fame has, at best, only selectively enforced the “character clause”, admitting gamblers, racists, adulterers and the like. He feels that the Hall now faces a huge dilemma, and potential irrelevance, if it begins to selectively enforce the “character clause” for those eligible players coming out of the steroids era. The book also looks at the selection of minorities, as well as the politics of election of others that may be out of favor with the baseball establishment.
            Where the author did primary research or covered new (to me, at least) ground, such as his interview with Marvin Miller and the resignation of former Hall of Fame president Dale Petrosky, the book was at its best. Other areas of the book, regarding integration of blacks and Latinos and their consideration for the Hall, are old news. The “conclusions” about steroids, and their effect on the performance and health of baseball players, are controversial. The book advocates expanding Hall of Fame voting to new constituencies, including SABR members!
            The book was an easy read, and for the most part an entertaining one.
           Here are the key statistics:
Book:   Cooperstown Confidential, Heroes, Rogues, and the Inside Story of the Baseball Hall of Fame
Author:  Zev Chafets
Author Credentials: He is the author of eleven books, a contributor to the New York Times Magazine, a former columnist for the New York Daily News, and the founding managing editor of Jerusalem Report.
Published: 2009, Bloomsbury, ISBN 1-59691-545-5
Length: 237 pages
Price: Retail list – $25.00;    Online: from $15.00 + ship.

St. Louis Cardinals Nicknames – and Other St.L Trivia

St. Louis Cardinals Nicknames

and Other St. Louis Baseball Trivia

(presented October, 2008)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)



He retired after the 1963 season and, after 46 years, is still voted the greatest Cardinal of them all.


Stan "the Man" Musial

2. Skipper of the Cards’ first World Series winner Roger "Rajah" Hornsby
3. Cardinals pitcher that hit a home run in that first World Series. Jesse "Pop" Haines
4. Manager of the Gas House Gang and an early baseball "college boy" Frankie "the Fordham Flash" Frisch
5. This shortstop and NL MVP was tall and slender. Marty "Slats" Marion

This outfielder and Hall-of-Famer hailed from rural Roxboro, NC.  He’s best known for his World Series "mad dash for home".

Enos "Country" Slaughter
7. This Cards executive did not attend ballgames on Sundays.  He had two popular nicknames, one derogatory and one complimentary. Branch Rickey "El Cheapo" "Mahatma"

This second baseman (1938-42) had a sinister look.

Frank "Creepy" Crespi

9. This Hall of Fame pitcher from the 1930s had one famous nickname but was uncertain about his real given names (he used two versions) "Dizzy" Dean, he used given names Jay Hanna and Jerome
10. When his brother promised that they’d win 45 games that season, this Cards pitcher responded, "If you’ll win 30, I’ll take care of the rest." Paul "Daffy" Dean
11. This Gas House Gang third baseman/outfielder had two nicknames reflecting his daring base running. John Roosevelt "Pepper" "Wild Horse of the Osage" Martin
12. This Cardinals third baseman played in four 1940s World Series and was a hitting star against the Red Sox. George "Whitey" Kurowski
13. The last NL triple crown winner, this Cardinals outfielder had two nicknames, reflecting his funny running style and his physique. Joe "Ducky" "Muscles" Medwick
14. This St. Louis native was the Cards’ broadcaster from 1945 to 1969.  He changed his last name to make it look "less Italian". Harry Caray was born Harry Carabina
15. This Cards pitcher was also a professional basketball player. Bob "Hoot" Gibson
16. This current Cards coach and former infielder played all nine positions in each of two seasons. Jose "the Secret Weapon" Oquendo


Since the current MVP award was established in 1931, Cardinals players have won it 16 times.  Name them and the year.

Frisch ’31, Dean ’34, Medwick ’37, M.Cooper ’42, Musial ’43,’46,’48 , Marion ’44, Boyer ’64, Cepeda ’67, Gibson ’68, Torre ’71, K.Hernandez ’79, McGee ’85, Pujols ’05,’08 
18. Name the 10 years when the Cardinals won the World Series (tops in the NL), name the opponent in each. ’26-Yankees, ’31-A’s, ’34-Tigers, ’42-Yankees, ’44-Browns, ’46 Red Sox, ’64- Yankees, ’67-Red Sox, ’82-Brewers, ’06-Tigers 
19. Besides the Cardinals, what two other St. Louis baseball teams won 20th Century major league pennants?  Name the year(s).

Browns won 1944 AL pennant

Terriers tied for 1915 Federal League pennant



The Cardinals sported the major leagues’ first woman owner.  Who was she?


Helene Britton

21. In 1938, the Cards had the first Latino manager.  Who was he? Miguel "Mike" Gonzalez from Cuba
22. When asked about attendance for Jackie Robinson’s first visit to St. Louis in 1947, Cards owner Sam Breadon allegedly remarked, "I’m concerned about how the fans might react.  I’m also worried about the possibility of a strike."  What strike was he referring to? There was a potential streetcar workers strike during the Dodgers’ first visit to St. Louis.


Stan Musial retired with 475 home runs.  Studies have shown he might have hit over 600 home runs if the Sportsman’s Park right field pavilion screen would’ve been removed during the 1940s and early ’50s.  Why didn’t the Cardinals take it down?


The Browns owned Sportsman’s Park; the Cards were tenants.

24. Where did the Cardinals go for spring training in 1905? Marlin, Texas
25. This Cardinals pitcher was the first reliever to ever receive a vote for the Cy Young Award. Lindy McDaniel
26. This Cards catcher had a "walk off" steal of home. Glenn Brummer


Who was the winning pitcher in Game One of the 2006 World Series?


Anthony Reyes

28. Who was the winning pitcher in the deciding Game Five of the 2006 WS? Jeff Weaver



St. Louis Browns Quiz

"First in Booze, First in Shoes, & Last in the American League"

The St. Louis Browns (1902 – 1953)

(presented May 2009)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)

The St. Louis Browns opened American League play in 1902. They were previously which franchise?                                                                             
St. Louis Brown Stockings            
Milwaukee Brewers                                   
St. Louis Stars                               
St. Louis Maroons

Milwaukee Brewers


As part of the "baseball wars" settlement in late 1915, Federal League owners were allowed to purchase AL and NL franchises (the Browns and the Cubs).  What were the names of the now-defunct Federal League teams in St. Louis and Chicago?

What is the Chicago Federal League Park now called?

St.L Terriers, Chicago Whales

Wrigley Field


1922 was the Browns’ winning-est year ever.  They won 93 games and finished one game behind the Yankees.  Which Brownie led in:

AL Home Runs (39) and RBI (155)

AL Stolen Bases (51)

AL Batting Average (.420)

AL Strikeouts (pitching) (149)


 Ken Williams

George Sisler

George Sisler

Urban Shocker

4. This Brownie was baseball’s first "30-30 man" (home runs and steals).  Ken Williams
5. The Browns had a press conference scheduled for Monday, December 8, 1941 at the AL meetings in Chicago.  The attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday cancelled their plans.  What were they going to announce? The team was to move to Los Angeles in 1942

Who was the skipper of the pennant-winning 1944 Browns?

Luke Sewell
7. In addition to the city of St. Louis and Sportsman’s Park, the Browns’ and Cardinals’ managers shared something else in common, and it caused some logistical headaches during the 1944 World Series.  What was it? they shared the same apartment

This Brownie led the AL in RBI in 1944

Vern Stephens

It took two home runs by this Brownie outfielder to clinch the AL pennant on the last day of the 1944 season.  Was he: 

Chet Laabs        Don Gutteridge 

Mike Kreevich    Frank Mancuso

Chet Laabs

These two pitchers have the distinction of being the only hurlers ever to record World Series wins for the Browns.  Who were they (pick two)

Denny Galehouse      Nelson Potter               Jack Kramer

Sig Jakucki                Boots Hollingsworth     Bob Muncrief 

Denny Galehouse

Jack Kramer

11. This Browns player was one of two blacks to break the St. Louis major league color barrier in 1947.  He later played in the first all-black major league outfield for the NY Giants, along with Monte Irvin and Willie Mays. Hank Thompson
12. This St. Louis native went to high school with my (Monte Cely’s) Mom and was AL Rookie of the Year in 1949 with the Browns. Roy Sievers

This Brownie infielder gained much greater fame as a television star.  Was he: 

Chuck Connors    Mark Christman   Johnny Berardino  Chuck Stevens

Johnny Berardino
14.  The Browns played in the AL for 52 seasons.  How many times did they finish in the first division?     8     12     16     18  12
15.  How many times did they finish last?    6     8     10     12  10
16.  Browns’ superstar George Sisler held the modern record for most hits in a season (257).  This record was recently broken by Ichiro.  What year did Sisler set this record?  1920

 In 1921, the Browns’ three outfielders combined for one of the highest composite outfield batting averages in baseball history (.351).  Who were they (pick three):

Cedric Durst     Baby Doll Jacobsen     Chick Shorten

Ken Williams    Jack Tobin                    Wally Gerber




18.  This Texas League star and Browns pitcher later won the 1958 Cy Young Award.  Bob Turley
19.  For whom did midget Eddie Gaedel pinch-hit?  After Gaedel walked, who pinch ran?

 Frank Saucier

Jim Delsing

20.  Who was the first Browns player to enter the Hall of Fame?  Who was the last?

 George Sisler

Satchel Paige or Willard Brown (Paige played the latest for the Browns (1953), W. Brown was inducted the latest in 2006)


 Tie Breaker:  What position did each of these Brownies play on the 1944 AL champs?

Don Gutteridge     Frank Mancuso     Mark Christman

Mike Kreevich      Chet Laabs            Vern Stephens

George McQuinn     Al Zarilla

 Gutteridge-2B, Mancuso-C,  Christman-3B, Kreevich-OF,   Laabs-OF,  Stephens-SS, McQuinn-1B,   Zarilla-OF



Strange Injuries

Strange Injuries

(presented July 2009)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)
1. This year Joey Votto, Dontrelle Willis and Khalil Greene were all placed on the DL for this ailment. What malady did they share?


2. Since the late 1980s, MLB has had the 15 day and 60 day disabled lists. Prior to that, there was the ______ day and the _____ day disabled lists. 10-day and 21-day
3. As of July 19, 2009, which NL team had the most players on the DL? How many players did they have on the DL? San Diego Padres – 10 players
4. As of July 19, 2009, which AL team had the most players on the DL? How many players did they have on the DL? Toronto Blue Jays – 7 players

Match the player with the injury that landed him on the DL.

1. Mickey Tettleton

2. Oliver Perez

3. Mike Remlinger

4. Steve Sparks

5. Ryan Dempster

6. Clint Barnes

7. Brent Mayne

8. Sammy Sosa

A. Dislocated shoulder trying to tear a phone book in half.

B. Wrenched his back while turning his head to check traffic as he crossed the street.

C. Caught his big toe on the dugout trailing trying to go onto the field to celebrate a victory.

D. Athlete’s foot for tying his shoes too tight.

E. Violent sneeze landed him on the DL.

F. Injured his toe kicking a laundry cart in the visitor’s clubhouse.

G. Caught his left pinky in a clubhouse recliner.

H. Stumbled on steps and broke his collarbone carrying a heavy package of venison meat.


1-D; 2-F; 3-G, 4-A; 5-C; 6-H; 7-B; 8-E

Hall of Famers have spent time the DL, too. Match the player with the injury.

1. Wade Boggs

2. George Brett

3. Tony Gwynn

4. Paul Molitor

A. Dislocated a knuckle when it got stuck in another.

B. Injured his back while putting on cowboy boots.

C. Broke his toe while running from his kitchen to his living room to watch a baseball game on TV.

D. Smashed a finger in the door of a luxury car – on his on his way to the bank.


1-B; 2-C; 3-D; 4-A
7. This current pitcher avoided a trip to the DL but burned his chest when he tried to iron a shirt – while he was wearing it. John Smoltz



World Series Trivia

World Series Trivia

(presented October 2007)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)
1. Which current franchises have never won a World Series?

NL : Colorado, Houston, Milwaukee, San Diego, Washington

AL : Seattle, Tampa Bay, Texas

2. Who was the last pitcher to hit a homerun in the World Series?  What year? Ken Holtzman, A’s, 1974
3. Who was the last pitcher to hit a grand slam homerun in the World Series?  What year? Dave McNally, Orioles, 1970
4. Which team (and year) hit the most homeruns in a single World Series? Giants, 2002 (14)
5. Which team (and year) was the last to win a World Series and not hit any homeruns in the Series? Reds, 1919

Excluding the Cubs (99 seasons) and Indians (58 seasons), which club has gone the longest without winning a World Series?  How many seasons?

Giants, 53 seasons
7. Which expansion club was the first to win a World Series?  What year? Mets, 1969

Which expansion club was the fastest to win a World Series?  Which season of existence?  What year?

Diamondbacks, 2001 (4th season)

9. The Yankees have eight World Series sweeps, (four games to none).  Which club has the second most World Series sweeps?  How many?  What years? Reds, 2  (1976, 1990)
10. Name the eight players who have ended the World Series walk-off hit. Earl McNeely, Senators, 1924
Goose Goslin, Tigers, 1935
Billy Martin, Yankees, 1953
Bill Mazeroski, Pirates, 1960
Gene Larkin, Twins, 1991
Joe Carter, Blue Jays, 1993
Edgar Renteria, Marlins, 1997
Luis Gonzalez, Diamondbacks, 2001
11. Which of these players also made the last out of a World Series? Goose Goslin, Senators, 1925
Edgar Renteria, Cardinals, 2004
12. Which pitcher holds the record for most consecutive complete games in World Series play? Bob Gibson, 8
13. Which pitcher holds the record for most consecutive wins in World Series play? Bob Gibson, 7
14. Which hitter holds the World Series career record for most intentional bases on balls? Barry Bonds, Bernie Williams, 7
15. Who completed the only unassisted triple play in World Series play?  What year? Bill Wambsganss, Indians, 1920



Famous Hitters/Infamous Pitchers

Who was on the mound for these homeruns?

(presented March 2009)

(Move the mouse over the blank space to see the answer)
1. Babe Ruth’s first, 1915

Jack Warhop, New York

2. Babe Ruth’s 60th, 1927 Tom Zachary, Washington
3. Babe Ruth’s World Series "called shot," 1932 Charlie Root, Chicago Cubs
4. Babe Ruth’s 714th, 1935 Guy Bush, Pittsburgh
5. Joe Carter’s World Series winner, 1993 Mitch Williams, Philadelphia

Bill Mazeroski’s World Series winner, 1960

Ralph Terry, New York
7. Hank Aaron’s 714th, 1974 Jack Billingham, Cincinnati

Hank Aaron’s 715th, 1974

Al Downing, Los Angeles

9. Hank Aaron’s 755th, 1976 Dick Drago, California
10. Bobby Thompson’s "shot heard ’round the world", 1951 Ralph Branca, Brooklyn
11. Roger Maris’ 61st, 1961 Tracy Stallard, Boston
12. Mark McGwire’s 62nd, 1998 Steve Trachsel, Chicago
13. Dave Henderson’s ALCS Game 5, go-ahead, 1986 Donnie Moore, California
14. Carlton Fisk’s World Series Game 6 winner, 1975 Pat Darcy, Cincinnati
15. Kirk Gibson’s World Series Game 1 winner, 1988 Dennis Eckersley, Oakland
16. Barry Bonds’ 71st, 2001 Chan Ho Park, Los Angeles
17. Barry Bonds’ 756th, 2007 Michael Bacsik, Washington
18. Barry Bonds’ 762nd, 2007 Ubaldo Jiminez, Colorado
19. Bucky Dent’s AL East playoff go-ahead, 1978 Mike Torrez, Boston
20. Ted Williams, All-Star game winner, 1941 Claude Passeau, Chicago Cubs
21. Ted Williams, final at-bat, 1960 Jack Fisher, Baltimore
22. Fred Lynn’s All-Star grand slam, 1983 Atlee Hammaker, San Francisco
23. Chris Chambliss, ALCS winner, 1976 Mark Littell, Kansas City
24. Reggie Jackson’s three HRs in World Series Game 6, 1977 Burt Hooten, Elias Sosa, Charlie Hough, Los Angeles
25. Reggie Jackson’s All-Star HR off Tiger Stadium roof, 1971 Dock Ellis, Pittsburgh
26. George Brett’s "pine tar" homerun, 1983 Goose Gossage, New York
27. Ozzie Smith’s NLCS Game 5 winner, 1985 Tom Niedenfuer, Los Angeles
28. Kirby Puckett’s World Series Game 6 winner, 1991 Charlie Liebrandt, Atlanta
29. Aaron Boone’s ALCS winner, 2003 Tim Wakefield, Boston



Five Best Books on Baseball as Business

The August 1, 2009 edition of the Wall Street Journal listed the "Five Best" books that excel as portraits of baseball as a business.  The list was compiled by Richard J. Tofel, an author and investigative journalist.  His "Five Best" are:

As They See ‘Em, by Bruce Weber, Scribner, 2009

Past Time, by Jules Tygiel, Oxford, 2000

Moneyball, by Michael Lewis, Norton, 2003

My Fifty Years in Baseball, by Ed Barrow, Coward-McCann, 1951

The Lords of the Realm, by John Helyar, Villard, 1994